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November 16, 2021 6pm – 8pm

University of St. Thomas, Center for Science & Health Professions Building

Room 102A

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End 2021 by getting on the path to achieving this major milestone! Study alongside fellow and like-minded FM’s that are working towards the same goal. CFM’s will be present, sharing their experience on how they overcame the exam!

This is a free study group session intended to help remove any obstacles from your path to FM Glory!


6:00 PM to 6:30 PM: Pizza & Networking
6:30 PM to 6:45 PM: Introduction to CFM Study Group
6:45 PM to 8:00 PM: Hit the Books


The Center for Science & Health Professions Building is #23 on the below image. There is limited parking available in lot P on the map. Street parking is available, as well. Once inside the building, signs will be posted to find Room 102A.

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