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Join us for an exciting event showcasing the latest AI tools, including ChatGPT, Bing AI, and Wall-E. Witness firsthand how these cutting-edge technologies can transform various industries and change the way we interact with machines and computers. Following the live demos, we will hear from a panel of industry experts about the impact of AI on the commercial real estate and development industry, AEC, workforce trends, finance, and capital. Discover how AI is revolutionizing these fields and changing the business landscape, accelerating the pace of deals, and transforming the way people work. Don’t miss this chance to explore the future of AI and its potential to shape the way we live and do business. – Written in collaboration with Chat-GPT.

Private $75.00 $100.00
Public/Academic/Nonprofit $65.00 $90.00
Retired $50.00 N/A
Student $50.00 $70.00
Under Age 35 $50.00 $70.00


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