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Creature & Nest Creation


Creature & Nest Creation
A Kid Building Workshop with Patrick Renner
July 29, 9:00AM-Noon

A larger than life mud dauber nest has taken over Architecture Center Houston! Imagined and designed by artist Patrick Renner, the installation pays tribute to one of nature’s smallest builders and architects – the mud dauber. These small non-aggressive wasps frantically spend their summers collecting mud to build their nest.

Inspired by the mud dauber’s building technique, Patrick uses found materials to create an immersive nest that weaves around the gallery inviting viewers to explore.

Join Patrick Renner and the Kids + Architecture Committee for a morning of creature designing and nest building. Participants will get a peek inside of Patrick’s design process and tour the installation before setting off to design their own creature and nest. A variety of craft supplies and found materials will be on hand, but students are encouraged to bring recycled materials from home. Participants also have the option of having their creations displayed for the duration of the exhibition.

Event Flow:
9:00 AM: Arrival & Welcome
9:10 AM-9:30 AM: Patrick’s introduction + presentation
9:30 AM-10 AM: Draw/sketch/write about a creature & its nest
10:00 AM-11:00 AM: Build your creature & its nest
11:00 – 11:20 AM: Snacks
11:20 AM-Noon: Presentations
Additional Information about the Class:

  • This is an indoor class.
  • Participants will work with architects to develop their creatures and nests
  • Session cost is $15 per student.
  • Registration includes materials, drinks and snacks.
  • Class is open to ages 7-13.

This program is in conjunction with Once and Future Architecture exhibition on view through August 18, 2023.


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